Letra da Música Farmer Refuted Hamilton: An American Musical


Hear ye, hear ye! My name is Samuel Seabury
And I present: Free Thoughts on the
Proceedings of the Continental Congress!Heed not the rabble who scream revolution
They have not your interests at heart[Mulligan]
Oh my God. Tear this dude apart[Seabury]
Chaos and bloodshed are not a solution
Don't let them lead you astray
This Congress does not speak for me[Burr]
Let him be[Seabury]
They're playing a dangerous game
I pray the king shows you his mercy
For shame, for shame[Hamilton]
He'd have you all unravel at the
Sound of screams but the
Revolution is comin'
The have-nots are gonna win this
It's hard to listen to you with a straight faceChaos and bloodshed already haunt us
Honestly you shouldn't even talk
And what about Boston?
Look at the cost, n' all that we've lost
N' you talk about Congress?[Seabury]
This congress does not speak for me[Hamilton]
My dog speaks more eloquently then thee[Seabury]
They're playing a dangerous game[Hamilton]
But strangely, your mange is the same[Seabury]
I pray that king shows you his mercy[Hamilton]
Is he in Jersey?[Seabury]
For shame[Hamilton]
For the revolution![Seabury]
For shame[All]
For the revolution[Seabury]
If you repeat yourself again I'm gonna scream
Honestly look at me
Please don't read[Seabury]
Not your interest[Hamilton]
Don't modulate the key then not debate with me
Why should a tiny island across the sea
Regulate the price of tea?[Burr]
Alexander, please![Hamilton]
Burr, I'd rather divise than indecisive
Drop the nicetiesSilence! A message from the King!
A message from the King!A message from the King!

Composição: Lin-Manuel Miranda.